Our favorite fonts & where to download them for free.

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 Fonts are one of the designers most important tools, they can either make or break a logo design. Here, in no particular order, are some of our favorite fonts from recent years.

bebas fontBEBAS NEUE. This is a great font for using at smaller sizes, such as taglines. Its a clear, bold, all caps font. You can download it here.

ailerons fontAILERONS. This font is sleek and slender, and gives that futuristic look, without being too much, you can see it in use in our logo design portfolio. You can download it here.

bukhari fontBUKHARI. I personally LOVE this font, my colleagues, less so.  Its a fun, rounded script font, a great alternative to the over used “trendy” script fonts. If used well, it can look great. You can download it here.

glober fontGLOBER. Don’t you just love that g? its one of the few sans-serif fonts that has that funky tail on the g, I could make a logo out of just that g! You can download it here.

kelson sans fontKELSON SANS. This is a great alternative to the more over used sans serif fonts out there, not naming names, but Helvetica. You can download it here.

farray fontFARRAY. This bold, all caps, sans serif font is a little different, Bauhaus inspired, it has quirky alternative looking letters. You can download it here.

streetwear fontSTREETWEAR. This is a great retro looking font, if you want to achieve that vintage look for your brand, this is a good place to start. You can download it here.

minna drop fontMINNA DROP. This is a great alternative to Bodoni, if you want a high fashion look, this is a great font to use. You can download it here.

I hope you like our selection of free fonts. Thanks to the creators of them for their creativity and generosity, you are doing the world of graphic design a great service. If you guys want to share any fonts you like, feel free to post links to them in the comments below.


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