Up at 4 a.m Designing A Logo In 1 Hour

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So last week, I told you guys about the conference I was taking part in, you can read up on it here. I just wanted to do a quick write up on how it went.

Conference crowd4:30 a.m, and I get the skype call from Pau, I’m in front of an audience of around 200 people, with my morning hair and beard. I said hi, then Pau began to deliver their brief.

“Its a travel website, designed to take your interests and provide you with a perfect destination along with things to there. The name is UwannaGO”

That was it, I was given free reign on the designs, but I only had an hour to come up with the usual 5 draft ideas. It was a challenge, but one I thoroughly enjoyed. I began to think of typical travel imagery, but then how to incorporate the interests side of the project. In my mind, the travel part was the most important part of the look of the logo, so of I went. I created the 5 you see below:


affordable logo designs

I let the guys know, and sent over the ideas. Just under 20 mins later, they had made their decision. Number 2 it was. Job done. (Which one would you have picked? Let me know in the comments below)

Pau said the crowds reaction to the initial designs where “People love it!”  He then said something I thought hit the nail on the head about what logoglo does:

“95 usd is NOT cheap. You’re actually paying Logoglo for one hour of their time. 60 min to do 5 versions. The thing is that Gary can do in 1 hour what we could do in 3 weeks. So cheap doesn’t mean anything here. It means that you’re paying to someone for ONE hour”

I prepped the files and sent them over to Pau, who made the website within an hour, you can see it in action here: https://uwannago.holiday/ (just a mockup)

I had great fun doing this, and we hope we will do at least 2 a year, so I will keep you posted on the next project.
